Scrapper (2023) Movie Review

Scrapper (2023) Movie Review

Going into this film, I had no preconceived notions or context on what the film would be about. In this day and age, it is pretty rare for me to go into a movie knowing nothing, so I appreciated the huge surprise this film offered me. Now, was I surprised in a good way or in a bad way? That's what I, Brighton Nelson of The Reel Ranker, present to you in this article: a Scrapper Review.

Scrapper movie review & film summary (2023) | Roger Ebert
Why does everybody use this picture as the front cover for their review? It isn't even like the best scene or anything.

Scrapper is a dramedy that tackles the implications of a young girl (Georgie) who lives alone after her mother dies, trying to stay under the radar so she isn't taken away from her home by Child Protective Services. She cleans, cooks, does her laundry—all of the above. Think female Kevin from Home Alone, not only for a few days but as her permanent lifestyle. The first act or so of the movie covers her shenanigans and her friendship with a boy named Ali. This part mainly sets the scene, and it is full of hilarious moments. However, it also tackles Georgie's attempt to overcome the grief of her mother's passing simultaneously. While some films can't balance the humor and grief well, this film does it masterfully. The entire experience took me through a wide range of emotions, from happy to sad, angered to disgusted, inspired to frustrated. This emotional resonance ramps up once a random man shows up in the backyard of Georgie's home, and he reveals he is Georgie's biological father. The second act tackles this revelation and shows Georgie as she attempts to accept a new parental figure in your life. She tries to shut him out at first, but progressively, throughout the rest of the film, they start to realize how similar they truly are. This storytelling makes for a beautiful, emotional climax where the two of them reconcile and become a super close family of two.

Scrapper' a gritty but touching tale of impoverished childhood
The only small problem I have with this film is

The Reel Ranker Verdict

Reel or Unreel? - Reel
The Reel Ranker Score: 98%
Letter Score: S+
Star Ranking: 5 out of 5

This film is practically perfect, so it is almost hard to say anything more about it. It doesn't have any problems outside of a couple of odd scenes, but they were intentionally odd, so can I really bash them? No. Scrapper is a brilliant film, and the sole reason I don't give it a perfect score is that other films have had more of a lasting impact on me, making for a slightly lower score on my current grading scale.

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