All Three Back to the Future Movies RANKED!

All Three Back to the Future Movies RANKED!

Back to the Future is a classic and iconic film trilogy that is revered as one of the best and most rewatchable trilogies of the era. Each movie is fantastic in its own right, yet they are still not created equal! So, I, Brighton Nelson of The Reel Ranker, present to you: All Three Back to the Future Movies... RANKED!

3. Back to the Future

32 Facts about the movie Back to the Future -

The Reel Ranker Score: 75%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 93%
Metacritic Score: 87

This movie may be the most iconic, as well as the one that started it all, but it ranks at the bottom of this list. This movie focuses on Doc and Marty McFly trying to return to the future by building up enough energy to send their time-traveling DeLorean back to the future, and it is just incredibly timeless. However, things get complicated along the way, and Marty gets all caught up with his parents' past in some less-than-great ways. It's up to him to fix the past to, well, save his future! And not only does he save it, but, due to his actions, he's able to cause a chain of events that turns his future life around! This movie is a classic for a reason: it's simple, yet engaging and interesting, making for a lightning-in-a-bottle film that will stand the test of time for decades to come. So why does it place at the bottom of the list? I'm a sucker for both Westerns and crazy time travel movies, and this movie focuses more on the fish-out-of-water comedy aspect of time-travel, which is still awesome, but compared to the zany time travel of the second film, it just isn't my favorite. Also, I love Doc as a character much more than Marty, and since the third film is Doc's story (and again, it's a Western), I just vibed with that movie better. Overall, the original may be the most funny, simple, iconic, and rewatchable Back to the Future movie, but it is my least favorite of the trilogy. Don't come at me. Please. Or I'll con you into agreeing with me, like Biff before me.

2. Back to the Future Part III

41 Facts about the movie Back to the Future Part III -

The Reel Ranker Score: 77%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 80%
Metacritic Score: 57

I love Back to the Future and I love westerns. Some dislike this movie, noting it as a notable step-down from its predecessors, but I strongly disagree. While it is my least favorite, I still think it's an absolute classic. The setting of this movie is really fun, and having an ancestor of Biff, Mad Dog Tannen, be the villain? Genius, and perhaps my favorite villain in the series. I'd also argue that this is Doc's story, and he's at his best here. He feels right at home in the Western setting! The train sequence at the end is also one of the most memorable moments of the trilogy! Heck, there was a point in time where this was my favorite movie in the trilogy! However, as much as I love it, it simply doesn't use time travel nearly as creatively as the second. While it has my favorite villain, overall setting, and iteration of Doc, this movie was a great send-off for these characters that holds up to the first two as a certified film classic. Too bad these series didn't continue... Marty McFly honestly could've pulled off a few more fantastic movies if the crew was on board with it! However, playing it safe and ending it here absolutely worked, and this stands as an incredible conclusion to a fantastic trilogy.

1. Back to the Future Part II

Back to the Future II set in actual 2015 is very depressing | The  Independent | The Independent

The Reel Ranker Score: 81%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 63%
Metacritic Score: 55

With a hilarious plot involving a completely fake 2014 and an insane story involving an evil version of Biff Tannen traveling through time with a sports book that makes him a super rich dude in an alternate future, this movie's story is crazy and oozes fun. While many called it overly-convoluted at its release, I honestly thought it made a lot of sense compared to many time travel movies, so I'm not complaining here. While it isn't as iconic as the original, I feel like this movie took my favorite parts about the original and elevated it to be one of the greatest film sequels of all-time. I get it: this movie isn't for everyone, but it was certainly for me. I've always remembered this movie the most fondly of the trilogy, and when somebody says Back to the Future, this is the first movie I think of. It epitomizes everything I adore about this film trilogy. It is a perfect balance of the heart of the first movie and the spectacle of the third and, in my opinion, is the best this trilogy has to offer.

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The Verdict:

The Reel Ranking:

3: Part I - 75%
2: Part III - 77%
1: Part II - 81%

Common Critic Consensus:

3: Part II - 60%
2: Part III - 68%
1: Part I - 90%

Common Audience Consensus:

3: Part III - 79%
2: Part II - 84%
1: Part I - 91%