All Eight Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episodes RANKED!

All Eight Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episodes RANKED!

The first season of this show did a fantastic job of adapting the books while changing up just enough to make it fresh. All the episodes of this show were great, but some were certainly better than others! Now, without further ado, The Reel Ranker presents... All 8 Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episodes RANKED!

8: Episode 4 - I Plunge to My Death

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Episode 4 Ending Explained & Spoilers

This episode isn't outright bad, but it is certainly the standout worst episode in the series in my eyes. The objective of this episode is to visit the Gateway Arch in St. Louis to get help from Athena but, due to Percy offering Medusa's head to the gods, she's mad and lets the monster Echidna enter the arch. The episode mostly fucntions to build out Percy and Annabeth's friendship, show Athena's reluctance to aid her daughter, and display Poseidon's willingness to help save Percy from his imminent demise. The action and themes are great and all, but if there had to be an episode that I would call filler, this would certainly be the one. Luckily, this show's awesome and this feels nothing like filler. But still. Had to say it.

7: Episode 5 - A God Buys Us Cheeseburgers

Every Book Easter Egg in 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' Episode 5

While the action and plot aren't as good as Episode 4, I found the setting and characters to be much more interesting in this episode. The star of the show here is Ares, who single-handedly makes this episode better than its predecessor, which was otherwise the better episode. The banter between Percy and Annabeth was peak here, especially when Haddaway's "What is Love" starts blasting in the background. In the end, this is one of the weaker episodes, but the amazing screen presence of Ares and the dumb banter carry it out of the last place position.

6: Episode 3 - We Visit the Garden Gnome Emporium

Cedars | 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' episodes 3-4 paint an uncertain  future for the series

The only real plot to this episode was Percy selecting his companions for the quest: Annabeth and Grover. That's not why this is an amazing episode. The cinematography and tension of the scenes with Medusa are what make this a truly phenomenal episode. This episode is very gripping, and of all the episodes of the show, it best represents the horrifying nature of being a demigod who can see through the Mist and be forced to face hellish adversaries as a twelve-year-old kid. It may not be one of the more important episodes, but, dang, is it fun to watch!

5: Episode 6 - We Take A Zebra to Vegas

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As somebody who used to live in Las Vegas as a kid and watch movies in theaters at colossal hotels and flashy casinos on the regular, this was always the episode I wanted to see the most of the show—and they nailed it. The Lotus Hotel and Casino felt just like a place that would be right on The Strip! The hotel was such an interesting location, as after entering, it beckons you to never leave (as if casinos needed that in the first place, especially in Las Vegas where everyone and their grandmas already spend half their time in casinos anyway). The atmosphere of this episode may be my all-time favorite of the show, but the weaker plot simply can't carry the episode to the top half of this ranking. The mission of the episode is to retrieve the location of the entrance of the underworld from the god of messages, Hermes. They go to the hotel and then they successfully retrieve the information. Not too strong of a plot when compared to the next few episodes, but there are two subplots here that are awesome: one, Percy recieves a message from a dream that he believes to be Hades but is actually Kronos, and two, Percy and friends recieve four pearls from a Nereid sent by Poseidon, who also tells Percy that the quest's deadline is up, yet he vows to continue due to his belief that it is the right thing to do. One of my favorite changes from the show was having four pearls instead of three, which, while not adding anything to the plot, added character depth to Grover and Poseidon and made for a cool shock to fans of the book or the movie. Ultimately, this is a fantastic episode, but it simply isn't as good as the next four.

4: Episode 1 - I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher

Percy Jackson and the Olympians' episode 1 review: Welcome!

This introductory episode made me instantly fall in love with this show and proved that it was going to be a much more faithful and well-done adaptation than the 2010 film. This episode does a great job of setting up the season, with Sally's emotional sacrifice being perhaps the best moment of the whole show. However, as much as I adore the end of this episode and the fact it started the show, it simply isn't as engaging as the next three episodes.

3: Episode 8 - The Prophecy Comes True

Percy Jackson and the Olympians Recap: Season 1, Episode 8 “The Prophecy  Comes True” - Nerds and Beyond

With an epic fight against Hades, returning the Helm and the Bolt, finally seeing Percy and Poseidon meet, Luke's plot twist, and a hilarious mid-credits scene, this is a satisfying finale to the season. As questionable as this may sound, I actually enjoyed the stupid, over-the-top battle of the movie better than the climax of this episode. The movie version made the final battle against Ares feel a little too down-to-earth for an action scene involving gods and demigods. Don't come at me, but as a lover of the books, I can still openly admit that the movie did do a couple things better than the show. But I digress. In the end, this was a fantastic season finale, but the intensity, action, and gravitas were a little too weak for me to call this the best episode of the show.

2: Episode 2 - I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom

Episode 102 - "I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom" | Disney Plus Press

This is the one episode that really gets to feature Camp Half-Blood, and it does a phenomenal job of doing so. The first episode may have started to sell me on the show, but this is the episode that needed to pull it all off for the show to be fantastic and, well, it completely pulled it off. Annabeth and Luke stole the show in this episode, with the Capture the Flag sequence being pretty fantastic. It may not be the most engaging episode of the show, but this episode had to have a strong foundation for the show to keep my interest and to keep the show moving forward, and it did an excellent job establishing the show. This episode nailed it perfectly, making it my second favorite episode of the season.

1: Episode 7 - We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of

Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Episode 7 Review - IGN

With the decent enough underworld action, the awesome end-of-series plot twists, and some emotionally-resonant flashbacks, this was easily the most powerful and interesting episode of the series. Percy's interaction with Hades and realization of what exactly was going on was probably my second favorite moment of the series—what a scene. This episode easily takes the cake for my favorite Percy Jackson episode, masterfully combining everything I liked about the the book into one climactic episode.

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