All Four Toy Story Movies RANKED!

The Toy Story movies are some of the most critically-acclaimed movies of all time, and are arguably the most recognized animated films of all time. However, as much as I enjoyed my time with each of them, to me, it wasn't exactly hard to rank the four movies, as I found some much better than others. Now, without further ado, I, Brighton Nelson of The Reel Ranker present to you... All Four Toy Story Movies RANKED!
4. Toy Story - C Tier

Release Date: 1995
The Reel Ranker Score: 42%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 100%
Metacritic Score: 96
I know this movie was Pixar's first movie and has a perfect score on Rotten Tomatoes, but I've always found it incredibly mediocre compared to its sequels. I found it to be an across-the-board average film with a few standout, heartfelt moments here and there. The story follows Buzz and Woody as Buzz becomes Andy's new favorite toy, leaving Woody incredibly jealous. These two and the others toys are sentient, but solely when humans are not around. The inciting incident occurs when Woody knocks Buzz out of a window in a fit of jealous, and they confront one another before being whisked away in a car to Pizza Planet. At Pizza Planet, they are placed in a toy machine, and Sid, the sadistic next-door neighbor of Andy, takes the two of them. Buzz finally comes to terms with the fact he is a toy, but he believes in his ability to fly. After an action-packed sequence, the duo escape and return to Andy's house. The end. It's a really simple and fun movie, but it simply isn't all too engaging. When this came out, it was absolutely revolutionary. Now? I'd say it is completely outclassed by the films following it. I never pick up this movie and watch it unless I am doing a marathon of the series. Otherwise? I'll pick one of its superior sequels.
3. Toy Story 3 - S Tier
Release Date: 2010
The Reel Ranker Score: 73%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 100%
Metacritic Score: 98
The next three films are far superior to the first in my opinion! And, when it truly comes down to it? This is the movie I've rewatched the least for a reason. I just don't like it as much. This movie concludes the original Toy Story trilogy—the end of Andy's story. It takes place in Sunnyside daycare after the toys believed that Andy wanted to throw them away, so they flee there. The toys essentially are adopted at the daycare and meet Lotso, the twist villain of the movie. In dealing with the Lotso's authoritarian regime, the gang is brought to a local landfill where they are to be incinerated. The scenes that follow are some of the most emotional of the series, including the near-death sequence of the toys and the epic moment where Lotso gets what he deserves. The end is impactful, with Andy donating the toys to Bonnie, a girl from the daycare. While I understand people disliking the fourth entry because of this movie's beautiful ending, I enjoy that this movie is able to end Andy's story in a perfect way while not necessarily giving the toys happy, perfect endings that stunt potential future character growth in the inevitable Toy Story sequels that are going to be released for years to come. I think Toy Story 3 is a perfect ending to Andy's story and has some really cool moments, but I find myself gravitating to the next two movies more due to their more interesting overarching narratives.
2. Toy Story 2 - S Tier

Release Date: 1999
The Reel Ranker Score: 76%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 100%
Metacritic Score: 88
This was one of the most perfect sequels ever made. Toy Story 2 introduces my favorite character, Jessie, and gives her and Woody a touching story about their roles as toys that used to be famous. I loved the overall adventure here, with Al's Toy Barn easily being the best setting of any of the movies. The villain, the Prospector, is done very well, and this movie's climax is the most epic, if one of the less emotional. By adding an extra, unique protagonist with a connection to Woody, a great villain, and a fantastic setting, Toy Story 2 deserves to be deemed one of the best movies in the series, as well as one of the best Pixar films. While it isn't my favorite, I'd say this movie was the most fun and action-packed of the series. If I want a fun movie, I'll watch this one. If I want an emotional movie, I'll watch the number one pick on this list. Alright, it's time to get controversial with my favorite Toy Story film...
1. Toy Story 4 - S Tier

Release Date: 2019
The Reel Ranker Score: 77%
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 97%
Metacritic Score: 84
While many call this movie an unnecessary cash grab, I couldn't disagree more. I believe it is the best Toy Story yet, and I am absolutely hyped to see where Pixar's genius goes with the fifth film. But I digress. Toy Story 4 takes the story in new directions, largely focusing on Woody and Bo Peep as they go on an adventure to save Forky before getting involved in a heartbreaking plot involving Gabby Gabby, easily my favorite villain of the series (and maybe even my favorite Pixar villain, but that may be a stretch). Gabby Gabby wants a voice box so she will not be a defected toy that no child would want—when it comes down to it, this storyline with Gabby Gabby made this movie take the top spot: it was just that good. The emotional scenes with Woody leaving his friends and Gabby Gabby getting chosen by a child made for a much more emotional ending than Toy Story 3's, but, that's just my opinion. Seeing Woody say goodbye to his friends personally just meant so much more to me than Andy parting with his toys... as a 17-year-old boy, parting with toys is not that emotional. It mostly consists of your mom selling them on Mercari or Ebay without even telling you and then you forgetting about them. That's just the truth. Ultimately, with tons of awesome new characters, the most emotional scenes of the series, the best villain, and an intriguing setup for a fifth film? This is my favorite Toy Story film.
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The Verdict:
The Reel Ranking:
4: Toy Story - 42%
3: Toy Story 3 - 73%
2: Toy Story 2 - 76%
1: Toy Story 4 - 77%
Common Critic Consensus:
4: Toy Story 4 - 91%
3: Toy Story 2 - 94%
2: Toy Story 3 - 95%
1: Toy Story - 98%
Common Audience Consensus:
4: Toy Story 4 - 86%
3: Toy Story 2 - 87%
2: Toy Story 3 - 89%
1: Toy Story - 90%